The most important and interesting thing that I've learned so far is what makes a news story. We were explained how to use techniques to draw the reader in, such as where to put the most interesting facts to keep the audience reading the article, and how you can cut an article if you're short on space. There are different audiences that you write too, so focusing on topics that will appeal is important to have your story read. Understanding this component to journalism has helped me to see how to apply it to my own writing. I hope to continue to learn about what makes a story interesting to the reader and how to appeal to the reader.
In the last two weeks I've learned about Blogs, Wiki's, the
Inverted Pyramid, and how to break down a news article. To learn how to "blog" we actually created a
blog, which your now reading. We can edit our blogs and create new entries on topics we cover in class. To help us grasp the idea of what a journalist has to do to get information to write a story, we went to a
game online. I searched for more
games because I really liked doing that activities, it really helps to show you in a hands on way how to collect information to write a good thorough news article. This was important for me to learn because I want to be able to pick up any story, figure out what the
important news is and be able to write about it.
For me, being able to write about something other than
sports is important to accomplish because not every audience I'll be writing for will want to read about sports. We also collect news article's to analyze them, when we did this I saw trends in the writing such as the titles; they were very exciting and inquisitive, to get the reader to click on it and continue to read. Searching for interesting articles online also showed me how to insert hyperlink's into my writing. Many of the online news will refer to other stories they've written about the topic or to another site that was used as a reference. I also really want to develop more interesting
story ideas because on the first day of class that was hard for me to do, and this is an important component in a story.