In the documentary, Super Size Me, Morgan Spurlock directly demonstrates for all of America to see the affects of McDonald's on his body. For thirty days he ate only McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Through Nutritionists and other Doctors he learns the affects of fast food on the human body. He also went into school's and interviewed many people to find out what they serve in the schools. In one school, for kids who got kicked out of the standard New York public schools, they get served very healthy food that's for the most part cooked solely in the kitchen. It's not thawed, and the food is primarily vegetables. This food is the same cost as the more fatty school foods but the food companies will suffer considerably beca
use the cost to prepare the healthy foods is more than the cost of the fatty. This being said, the companies want to sell whats cheap regardless of how bad it is for you.
The affects of fast food on the human body leads to:
increased headaches
becoming addicted
high cholesterol
fatty liver
I also read an article about the affects of soda in The Hartford Courant about soda. This also connects to Super Size Me because the fast food meals all have soda with them. A 12- ounce soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. The amount of calories in a soda are almost a meal alone. If I cut out a soda I could go and have another meal to make up for it. A quick fix to wanting something bubby is seltzer and a juice like OJ or cranberry juice.
use the cost to prepare the healthy foods is more than the cost of the fatty. This being said, the companies want to sell whats cheap regardless of how bad it is for you.
The affects of fast food on the human body leads to:
increased headaches
becoming addicted
high cholesterol
fatty liver
I also read an article about the affects of soda in The Hartford Courant about soda. This also connects to Super Size Me because the fast food meals all have soda with them. A 12- ounce soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar. The amount of calories in a soda are almost a meal alone. If I cut out a soda I could go and have another meal to make up for it. A quick fix to wanting something bubby is seltzer and a juice like OJ or cranberry juice.
Kat: I'm glad you watched that film. It's quite interesting. What I want to know is how does this all fit into your topic? I'd like you to use this blog not merely as a place to record information, but for you to reflect on what it is you are learning and figuring out. Include more personal reflection on how this helps you better understand the topic in general.